Kisah Sukses, Cerita Inspirasi dan Motivasi
Dapatkan inspirasi melalui berupa motivasi, persahabatan,
cinta, kisah sukses, kemanusiaan dan lain lain.. Apa arti dari Dunia ini jika kita tidak bisa saling berbagi ? Kirimkan cerita yang paling menjadi inspirasi kamu hari ini, niscaya semua keinginan kamu akan tercapai. Sukses Selalu!.
Child Abuse - Umum
View : 234017 Created by : admin
Dear Friends,
Please copy and paste the following email message, write your name at the end and send it on to people whom you think will take action on this.
Last week a 3 year old girl (in South Africa) was beaten and raped. She is still alive. The man responsible has been released on bail yesterday. He is walking the streets ... friends, if you are too busy to read this then just sign your name and forward this.
The Government is planning to close the child protection unit and this is a petition against it. This is a very important petition. It is an essential part of the justice system for children.
You may have already heard that there's a myth in South Africa that having sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. The younger the virgin, the more potent the cure. This has led to an epidemic of rapes by infected males, with the correspondent infection of innocent kids. Many have died in these cruel rapes. Recently in Cape Town, a 9-month-old baby was raped by 6 men.
Please think about that for a moment. The child abuse situation is now reaching catastrophic proportions and if we don't do something, then who will?
Kindly add your name to the bottom of the list and please pass this onto as many people as you know. If you are signature no.: 120 - please forward the mail-list to Please don't be complacent, do something about the kids of South Africa. You can make a difference. That child is fighting for life. This is just 1of the million cases of child abuse, so please pledge your support and help keep CPU (CHILD PROTECTION UNIT) open.
Please give your support to the petition and ensure that it goes to as many people as possible. Please don't just leave it, make a difference. in order to write your name copy this message and paste it in a new mail (compose). Or click on forward and add your name to the list and send it on to others.
Again. a reminder that if you are number 120 please send this to
1.Jackson Kennedy (Australia)
2. Eugenie Knight Draper (Australia)
3. George Spiteri (Australia)
4. Susie Dureau (Australia)
5. Tim McCarthy (Australia)
6. Megan Gleeson (Australia)
7. Susie Gleeson Byrne ( China)
8.Fiona Darrigan(China)
9. Elizabeth Hyland (Dubai UAE)
10. Margaret Winstanley (Australia)
11. Kate Williams (Hong Kong)
12. Shari Boyanton ( England)
13. ayelet shariv (israel)
14. Inbar Goren (Israel)
15. Dafna Gal (Israel)
16. Ruth Moushinsky (Israel)
17. Aviv Moneta (Israel)
18.becky leinwand (israel)
19. Frances Derhy (Israel)
20.Merav Hernando (Israel)
21.shira shery(Israel)
22. talia schneider (Israel)
23. Sharon Aviv (Israel)
24. Liora Engler (Australia)
25. Abigail Fry (England
26. Robyn Elmslie (Australia)
27. Stephanie Fuller (Hong Kong)
28. Tanya Burrows(Australia)
29. Martha E Morrison (Australia)
30. Loretta Dunn (Australia)
31. Paul Dunn (Australia)
32.Ross Dorman (Australia)
33. Paul Morris (London)
34. Elaine Morris (London)
35. Susan Dicey (England)
36. Jane Ebel (France)
37. Megan Bick (UK)
38. Alison Hill (UK)
39. Rachell Bates (UK)
40. Lou Lightfoot (UAE)
41. Mel Burns (UAE)
42. Amira Turki (UAE)
43. Yvonne Loss (UK)
44. Rick Chilvers (UK)
45. Carol Kemp (Australia)
46. Vikki Shields (Australia)
47. Katie Calthorpe (Australia)
48. Lisa Nankervis (Australia)
49. Angelique Ross (Australia)
50. Michael Healy (Australia)
51. Morgan Thompson (Australia)
52. Tayla Bannerman (Australia)
53. kyra (aus)
54. Amanda O (Australia)
55. kirstie smith (australia)
56. Be th K (Australia)
57. Rebecca Sunshine (Aus)
58. Sarah Leonhardt (aust)
59. Hayley Adams (Australia)
60. Sarah Matthews (Australia)
61 . teags stalker ( australia
62. Camelia Drakakis ( Australia)
63. Michelle Hristovski (Australia)
64. Matika Habazin (Australia)
65. George Milner (AUSTRALIA!!!)
66. Kelsey Clements (wollongong Australia)
67. Thomas pingnam (Wollongong Australia)
68.Anna Doyle (Wollongong Australia)
69. Kevin Taylor (Australia)
70.Keiran Woods (Wollongong, Australia)
71.Brit Wilmott (Wollongong, Australia)
72.Jessica Malady- Hall (wollongong, australia)
73. Grace M.N. Dillon ( N.Ireland)
74. Matthew Bowers (UK)
75. Elizabeth Morris (South Australia)
76. Jennifer O'Brien (South Australia)
77. Jan Clarke (NSW)
78. Peter Clarke (NSW)
79. Adam Clarke (NSW)
80. Margaret Gray (NSW) .
81. Irina Jacobson (NSW)
82. Ratih Jacobson (NSW)
83 Jenly Taniwan (Indonesia)
84 Admin (Indonesia)
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