Kisah Sukses, Cerita Inspirasi dan Motivasi
Dapatkan inspirasi melalui berupa motivasi, persahabatan,
cinta, kisah sukses, kemanusiaan dan lain lain.. Apa arti dari Dunia ini jika kita tidak bisa saling berbagi ? Kirimkan cerita yang paling menjadi inspirasi kamu hari ini, niscaya semua keinginan kamu akan tercapai. Sukses Selalu!.
Hati-hati bagi yg sering bepergian - Inspirasi
View : 115813 Created by : yanti
Bagi yang sering keluar kota, here some tips for ya.
In every single hotel, there shall be at least a permanent room which should be left vacant at all times. No matter how full the hotel is, they are not to sell that room(s) to any guest.
It was said that special room was "reserved" for those "special visitors".
So, if you plan to stay in some hotel, always book in advance.
Try to avoid walk in. If the receptionist told you there's no more room available, do not insist one anymore or try to bribe them to give you a room.
If you do that, most of the time the room you have will be that "special room".
Sometimes those "special visitors" might go to other rooms also, so here's some tips on how to protect yourself:
- Before entering your room, always knock on the door first, even if you know the room is vacant.
- After you enter the room, if you felt very cold suddenly and have "chicken spore", leave the room quietly immediately and go to reception to request to change room.
Most of the time the receptionist will understand what's happening.
- After you enter the room, immediately switch on all of the lights, and open the curtain to let the sun light in.
- Before you go to bed, arrange your shoes so that one of them is upside down. Some say this is representing yin& yang to protect you while you're asleep.
- Always leave at least a lamp on while you're sleeping, preferably the toilet's lamp.
- If you're staying alone and they have give you a twin bed, do not sleep with the other bed vacant, try to put your things like luggage on the other bed before you sleep
Another tip to protect yourself....When you enter your hotel room, look for the Bible. Most hotel place the Bible inside a drawer.
However, if upon entering, you see the Bible on the table, DON'T stay in that room!
It means "special visitors" are there.
If you see the Bible opened up on the table, LEAVE that room immediately and request a change of room!!! It means the "special visitor" is really creating trouble in that room!!
You have been warned . . .
inspirasi ke teman kamu !!!
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