Kisah Sukses, Cerita Inspirasi dan Motivasi
Dapatkan inspirasi melalui berupa motivasi, persahabatan,
cinta, kisah sukses, kemanusiaan dan lain lain.. Apa arti dari Dunia ini jika kita tidak bisa saling berbagi ? Kirimkan cerita yang paling menjadi inspirasi kamu hari ini, niscaya semua keinginan kamu akan tercapai. Sukses Selalu!.
Why did you do that mom ? - Umum
View : 124704 Created by : Yanti
Month one
Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all
my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every
time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The
sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If
you could see me, you could definitely tell that I
am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside
my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three
You know what Mommy, I'm a boy!! I hope that
makes you happy. I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It
makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.
Month Four
Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very
short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a
lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and
curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and
legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five
You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to
you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby
Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy,
what's abortion?
Month Six
I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He
seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding
my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy
what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I
can't get away from it! Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven
Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. He is
holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't
you want me Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes
that will never see. Two more hands that will never
touch. Two more legs that will never run. One
more mouth that will never speak
If you're against abortion, post this...
inspirasi ke teman kamu !!!
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