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Humor yang bikin kamu senyum simpul, ketawa ngakak, sampai yang rada jayus ada di sini... Apa saja yang bisa bikin hari Sobat Gemintang yang jenuh menjadi lebih berGemintang.
The Creation (Microsoft Style) - Umum
View : 90216
Created by : admin
1. In the beginning GOD created the Bit and the

Byte. And from those he created the Word.

2. And there were two Bytes in the Word; and

nothing else existed. And God separated the One

from the Zero; and he saw it was good.

3. And God said - Let the Data be; And so it

happened. And God said - Let the Data go to their

proper places. And he created floppy disks

and hard disks and compact disks.

4. And God said - Let the computers be, so there

would be a place to put floppy disks and hard

disks and compact disks. Thus God created

computers and called them hardware.

5. And there was no Software yet. But God

created programs; small and big. And told them -

Go and multiply yourselves and fill all the Memory.

6. And God said - I will create the Programmer;

And the Programmer

will make new programs and govern over the

computers and programs and


7. And God created the Programmer; and put him

at Data Center; And God showed the Programmer

the Catalog Tree and said You can use all the

volumes and subvolumes but DO NOT USE


8. And God said - It is not Good for the

programmer to be alone. He took a bone from the

Programmer's body and created a creature that

would look up at the Programmer; and admire the

Programmer; and love the things the Programmer

does; And God called the creature: the User.

9. And the Programmer and the User were left

under the naked DOS and it was Good.

10. But Bill was smarter than all the other

creatures of God. And Bill said to the User - Did

God really tell you not to run any programs ?

11. And the User answered - God told us that we

can use every program and every piece of Data but

told us not to run Windows or we will die.

12. And Bill said to the User - How can you talk

about something you did not even try. The moment

you run Windows you will become equal to God.

You will be able to create anything you like by a

simple click of your mouse.

13. And the User saw that the fruits of the

Windows were nicer and easier to use. And the

User saw that any knowledge was useless - since

Windows could replace it.

14. So the User installed the Windows on his

computer; and said to the Programmers that it was


15. And the Programmer immediately started to

look for new drivers.

And God asked him - What are you looking for?

And the Programmer answered - I am looking for

new drivers because I can not find them in the


And God said - Who said you need drivers? Did

you run Windows?

And the Programmer said - It was Bill who told us

to !

16. And God said to Bill - Because of what you did

you will be hated by all the creatures. And the

User will always be unhappy with you. And you will

always sell Windows.

17. And God said to the User - Because of what

you did, the Windows will disappoint you and eat

up all your Resources; and you will have to use

lousy programs; and you will always rely on the

Programmer's help.

18. And God said to the Programmer - Because

you listened to the User you will never be happy.

All your programs will have errors and you

will have to fix them and fix them to the end of time.

19. And God threw them out of the Data Center

and locked the door and secured it with a



...Beri humor ini ke teman kamu !!!
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Kategori Umum lainnya
Dounkin Donuts - Umum
LOWONGAN KERJA DI DOUNKINT DONUTS,Bagi anda yang tertarik siapkan lamaran anada lengkap dan datang langsung ke kantor kami dengan berpakaian kemeja,rapi,pake dasi,tapi ingat jangan pake celana(buat ngebolongin donat)

For Malin - Umum
Para ilmuwan di Univeritas Oxford baru-baru ini telah memecahkan misteri batu Malinkundang di tanah Minang. Sekian lama batu yang menyerupai sosok tokoh Malinkundang tersebut, dalam cerita rakyat Minang, diyakini hanya merupakan cerita legenda belaka.

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ngerjain orang. Kali ini dia dapet kata-kata baru buat ngerjain orang.
Hari pertama, dia nelepon temannya :

"Rin, gue udah tau semuanya !"
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Mak Etek - Umum
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tangga dari kampung asalnya. pembantunya juga tidak lulus SD, tapi
setia menjalankan perintah majikan. ia dipanggil mak Etek, umurnya di
ambang senja.

Suatu ketika, sebelum keluar rumah, mereka mengajari mak Etek, agar

Gokil - Umum
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